last update 12/15/2024
FAQs: Loudspeakerboxes / Lautsprecherboxen
K. Föllner

OK, here are the Frequently Asked Questions about
Loudspeakers in english.
Hier sind die meistgestellten Fragen zum Selbstbau von
Lautsprechern in deutsch.
1. How can I calculate the
capacity/volume of my loudspeaker-box?
If you don't have the exact parameters you can't
simulate or calculate the volume or length of tube etc.
Parameters... this doesn't mean only diameter, and max.
Power, these parameters are called
Thiele-Small-Parameters or TSPs. You need them for
2. What are
The TSPs describe the acoustic and electrical behavior
of a loudspeaker in a special case.
The most importent params are the resonance-frequency
fs, the equivalent-volume Vas and the quality/grade Qts
of the woofer. You need these specifications for
calculation of the capacity of a box. The most important
params are:
- Z : the impedance is the rounded
AC-resistance of the speaker, almost 4 or 8 ohms. Z
depends on measure-frequency.
- fs : is the resonance-frequency (in Hertz,
Hz) of the chassis: this means the first maximum of Z
in free-field
- Re : is the DC-resistance of the
speaker-coil (in ohms), mostly it's about twenty
percent smaller than Z.
- Qes : is electrical quality, the ratio of
Z to Re at fs. So Q has never a unit.
- Qms : is mechanical quality, this value
describes the ratio of deflection at fs.
- Qts : is the total (and acoustical!)
Quality. Qts-value is the reciprocal attenuation of
the membrane and decribes how hard is the suspension.
- Sd : the effective Surface of the membrane
in square-centimeters (cm², qcm) or square-inches of
the loudspeaker
- Vas : is the das equivalent-volume (in
liters or cubic-foot) and describes the suppression of
a loudspeaker in comparison with an air-capacity.
- SPL : this Sound-Pressure-Level is the
indirect efficiency and defines how powerful is the
pressure in decibel (dB SPL) with one watt in a
distance of one meter. (about 40 inches)
- Rms : is the mechanical Resistance of the
suspension in kg/s (kilogramms per second). Smaller
values are better.
- Mms : is thy dynamic Mass of membrane in
gramms (g).
- Cms : the mech. compliance in mm/N
(millimeters per newton) is the reciprocal
spring-constant of suspension.
- Le : This is the inductivity in mH
(milli-henry) of the coil and important for
calculation of passive filters. This inductivity
is the reason for rising impedance with higher
That's the look of the AC-Resistance of a 4
ohms-Bass-Speaker in dependence of the
frequency. The DC-Resistance (0 Hertz) Re is 3.1
ohms. At freefield-resonance-frequency fs (here
30 Hz) the impedance increases to its first
maximum, so you get a quality Qts of about
0.400. The increase of Z to higher frequencies
is the result of the inductivity of the
speaker-coil and is here about 3 mH. |
3. How can I calculate something
with the TSPs?
For decision is the EBP useful: The
Efficiency-Bandwidth-Product is quotient of fs and Qes
or you use this: X = fs/Qts
With X you can recognize the best or a good combination
of the loudspeaker to the acoustic system.
X <= 40 Transmissionline (TML)
X about. 50 (40...80) contained systems /
geschlossene Systeme
X about. 60 (50...100) contained bandpass-systems /
geschlossene Bandpässe
X about 100 (80...120) Reflex / Bassreflex (BR)
X>= 120 for Horn systems
The easiest way is the contained Box. In a smaller volume
increases the resonance-frequency of the chassis fc, so as
the Quality Qtc (Quality of the chassis in a capacity).
The Qts of chassis should be in that case between 0.4 and
0.6. A higher Qts (maybe between 0.5 and 0.7) will
increase the the box-volume or / and produce worse
precision and impulsivity. If you do the speaker in a
contained volume, the quality (Qtc) and the
resonance-frequency rise.
- Qtc=0.5 (Linkwitz-characteristic) super precision
and impulsivity, very bad depth (level of
sound-pressure at low frequency)
- Qtc=0.577 (Bessel) very good precision, bad depth
- Qtc=0.707 (Butterworth), good precision, good
- Qtc>0.707 (Chebycheff), bad precision, high
pressure (with higher Qtc you have worse precision)
Vbox=Vas / [ (Qtc/Qts)^2 -1]
Calculating of Bandpass- and reflex-systems isn't so
easy. The best way for that, using a
simulation-software, like the Freeware BassCADe.
You need a Qts of 0.3...0.4, for best performance,
lower values does not produce enough low frequency sound
pressure, higher values will increase the volume of the
box for a good sound.
OK, here the formula for the
Ar - cross-section of tube (square-meters), lr-
length of tube in meters, Vbox- volume (cubic-meters, m³)
1 meter = 100 centimeters = 39.37 inches
1 cubicmeter = 1000 liters = 264.2 am. gallons = 1.3079
cubic yards
sqrt... square-root, Quadratwurzel
4. I don't have the TSPs. How
can I get them?
They are different ways:
1st: the manufacter gives you the most important values
(often you can find them on the manufact.-page)
2nd: Maybe they are on my side, here
If you can't find them, please do not mail me, I don't
have these TSPs.
3rd: search in other sources (maybe in web or
4th: The final way (but the best) : You can measure and
calculate for yourself. How? You need two
impedance-graphs, then the software calculate the
parameters. SW like BassCADe
or you know the formulas...
They exist software (like Hobbybox) they can measure
the parameters with help of PC-soundcard.
5. I got the TSPs from the
manufactor of the speaker. But the values are
different from the table on your site. What's right?
Sometimes manufactor change the speaker and keep the
name. You don't know how was the measurement of the
speaker. Usually you should measure with cold coil and
soft membrane-hanger. But the values are not so exact,
because lifetime and temperature have an importent
influence of the parameters. So you get high tolerances.
Often some manufactures specify for their speakers low
Vas- and Qts-values. For Marketing? Some comparriosons
an further TSPs (manually measured) on www.northcreekmusic.com.
1. Wie berechne ich das Volumen für
meine Lautsprecherbox?
Um das Volumen und andere Parameter wie Rohrlänge etc.
berechnen zu können, braucht man nicht 08/15-Angaben wie
Durchmesser, Schalldruck, Leistung, benötigt werden die so
genannten Thiele-Small-Parameter oft mit TSPs abgekürzt.
Ohne sie geht gar nichts.
2. Was sind die
Weitere ausführliche Infos in deutsch gibt es auf
meiner Seite hier dazu.
3. Wie kann ich damit
etwas berechnen?
Weitere Infos in deutsch gibt es auf meiner Seite
hier dazu.
4. Woher bekomme ich diese
Es gibt verschiedene Wege an die TSPs zu kommen.
1. Der Hersteller gibt sie zum Chassis mit. (leider stimmen
die dann aber auch nicht immer.
2. Vielleicht sind sie ja hier
auf der Seite dabei. (Wenn nicht, keine Mail-Anfrage an
3. Andere Quellen (Foren etc.) durchsuchen
4. Selber messen, Wie... das sagt die Software BassCADe und berechnet aus den
eingegeben Werten auch gleich die Parameter. Auch Software
(wie Hobbybox) existiert, die das komplett mit Hilfe der
Soundkarte durchführt.
5. Die Daten (TSPs) vom Hersteller
des Chassis weichen von denen in der Tabelle ab. Welche
Werte sind nun richtig?
Manchmal verändern Lautsprecherhersteller ihre Chassis ohne
die Bezeichnung ebenfalls zu verändern, so sind Abweichungen
vorprogrammiert. Auch weiß man nicht, wie der Hersteller die
Daten ermittelte. Normalerweise sollten sie bei kalter
Schwingspule, aber weichgeklopfter Membran und Sicke
aufgenommen werden. Abhängig von der Lebensdauer und
Temperatur etc. weichen diese Werte oft voneinander ab.
Dadurch sind größere Toleranzen vorprogrammiert.
Viele Lautsprecherhersteller geben auch oft (vor allem bei
großen Basstreibern) sehr eigensinnige Werte ihrer Chassis
an: niedriger Qts, kleines Vas, soll wohl Verkaufszahlen
Einige Vergleiche und weitere TSPs (handvermessen!) unter www.northcreekmusic.com.